DISCUSSIONSCategory: GAME RULESCreation deck minimal size
Stefan Yordanov asked 6 years ago

I’ve met some inconsistencies in both base game’s and the expansion’s rulebooks regarding what’s the definition of “creation deck”.
In the first book it is defined as the cards in the deck + the cards in the hand + the cards in the discard pile. In the base game it also says that the creation deck must be at least 10 cards at any time.  
In the expansion the creation deck is defined as the cards in the deck + the cards in the hand + the cards in the discard pile the cards in the tents + the cards in ambush.
Which brings me to the question: Sould cards in tents and cards in ambush be counted towards the cards minimum of 10 cards?
The way I see it – no, they shouldn’t. Each player must have at least 10 cards actively rotating in their deck at any time. That means when setting a card in a tent a player decreases the count of actively rotating cards in their deck by 2(1 tent and 1 stored card), so it shouldn’t be permitted when a player has 11 or less actively rotating cards available. The same goes for the cards in ambush: the player reduces the count of actively rotating cards by 2: 1 for the trashed card + 1 for the card set in ambush(even though it’s just temporary and the card gets readded to the hand during the next turn).
The rulebook is ambiguous about this so do I understand it right?