DISCUSSIONSCategory: GAME RULESRules for the Volcano scenario
Damien asked 9 years ago

Hello Fantasmagoria!
i’m looking forward for the rules about the volcano scenario. Can’t find it anywhere. And i have already play with all others game components and rules because Battalia is wonderful, so a great game. I am so glad to backed it on KS. Please help me i can’t wait for it.

1 Answers
Alexandar Guerov answered 9 years ago

Damien, today I answered your question on the Facebook page…. the rules are in the main printed rule book. I suppose the reason you cannot find them should be, that you are reading the French translated PDF file of the rules, which was made during the campaign, before the volcano scenario ever existed. All translated language files do not include the minor changes of the rules and are not 100% exact like the final CEdition version of the rules. 
Have a great day – Alex!