ATTENTION: All rules for the miniature packs from our NCBC (Neutral Characters Battalia Collection) are now available here for download. Some of the short NCBC rules are still in BETA VERSIONS (rough overview), but we are working continuously on the final (v1.0) and their language versions in order to achieve best possible results and amusing gameplay. We will upload them in a sequence as soon as they are ready! Thanks in advance for your patience 🙂 !
Please check this rule section frequently (after end of November 2018) or subscribe to our mail reminder in order to be notified when new rules are ready and uploaded.
BATTALIA: The Stormgates – FINAL RULE BOOK – CEdition 2018
This is the current update of the final version of the CEdition rule book for the BIG!Expansion*.
- (EN last update 14.08.2018 – 14:51 – v1.3) Click here to download: EN rules – separate pages
- (DE last update 05.09.2018 – 18:00 – v1.1) Click here to download: DE rules – separate pages
- (BG last update 05.09.2018 – 18:00 – v1.0) Click here to download: BG rules – separate pages
- (PL last update 18.01.2019 – 19:30 – v1.0) NEW Click here to download: PL rules – separate pages
- (ES last update 17.01.2019 – 20:00 – v1.0) NEW Click here to download: ES rules – separate pages
- (IT last update 17.01.2019 – 20:00 – v1.0) NEW Click here to download: IT rules – separate pages
*It will be translated in 10 languages over the next couple of weeks, properly layouted and updated after the most urgent task for the moment is done – delivery of all Kickstarter packages.
Thanks for your patience and understanding.
Please click on a picture to download the PDF spreads version of the file with the rules (better for DESKTOP use).
BATTALIA: The Creation – RULE BOOK – CEdition 2015/2016
The CEdition is the latest version available and is identical with the officially published version of the rules 2015/2016 in English / German / Bulgarian / Polish. In a separate section down below you will find translations of the prototype version of the rules in another 12 languages, which were done during the Kickstarter campaign and are still on an earlier stage of development. The main and the almost only difference is: the prototype version doesn’t include any rules or pictures of Kickstarter extras (unlocked stretch goals), since they came later, for example “The Unbound Faction” or all volcano rules for “The Bleeding Horn Of Destiny”.
But … the old version of the rules includes some interesting ideas about house game scenarios / game modes, which are not included in the CEdition version due to some space reasons. We have even much more ideas “in the pocket” for the upcoming expansions, but for now you could try those to increase the replayability of your games!
Check from time to time the version you have, if needed we would upload small updates or errata. It is possible that more language versions will appear with the time (no guarantee for every country).
– 08.09.2016 – Dutch version of the CEdition rules added to this section. Not officially published yet, available as digital copy thanks to the gracious efforts of Kevin Leirens.
A great additional aid for beginners – 12 x 18 cm. They are double sided and describe all the artefact abilities, all the creation costs, a player’s turn sequence and some important rules!
Check from time to time the version you have, if needed we would upload small updates or errata. It is possible that more language versions will appear with the time (no guarantee for every country).
In this section we will make available only for online download in high resolution (print ready) special rules for additional bonus components, which we do not intend to publish in a classic paper version.
Check from time to time the version you have, if needed we would upload small updates or errata. It is possible that more language versions will appear with the time (no guarantee for every country).
- (EN last update 20.10.2018 – 17:43 – v2.0) NEW – updated to 6 factions
- (DE last update 21.04.2016 – 15:03 – v1.0)
- (BG estimate January 2019 – February 2019)
- Other languages possible – if we find support…
Please click on the picture to download a PDF version of the file with the rules.
English: The Hero sheets introduce unique powers to the different heroes in the game – the long awaited faction specific abilities. Each hero has 3 own special abilities (skills) separated in 3 levels….
German: Jedes Volk hat seine Helden. Ihre einzigartigen Kräfte werden auf den Heldenbögen aufgeführt – dies sind die langerwarteten spezifischen Fraktionsfähigkeiten. Jeder Held hat 3 eigene Spezialfähigkeiten (Fertigkeiten), aufgeteilt in 3 Stufen….
NCBC – Neutral Characters Battalia Collection:
- (EN last update 21.04.2016 – 18:18 – v1.0)
- (DE estimate Q1.2019 – Q2.2019)
- (BG estimate Q1.2019 – Q2.2019)
- Other languages possible – if we find support…
Please click on the picture to download a PDF version of the file with the rules.
English: The Unbound Buff is the terrifying leader of a mercenary boarder-landers horde. The horde raids the lands of the Sun Oracle from the outskirts, making trouble to the less generous players. But if a player is willing to spend some resources, the Unbound Buff could leave him be or even become his valuable ally.…
German: Buff der Entfesselte ist der furchterregende Anführer einer Horde Söldner aus den Grenzlanden. Diese Horde überfällt aus den Randgebieten kommend die Lande des Sonnenorakels und bereitet den weniger freigiebigen Spielern Ärger. Aber wenn ein Spieler bereit ist einige seiner Ressourcen abzugeben dann wird Buff der Entfesselte ihn in Ruhe lassen oder sogar ein wertvoller Verbündeter werden.…
- (EN last update 20.10.2018 – 17:43 – v1.0) NEW
- (DE estimate Q1.2019 – Q2.2019)
- (BG estimate Q1.2019 – Q2.2019)
- Other languages possible – if we find support…
Please click on the picture to download a PDF version of the file with the rules.
English: Ready for defense! The rampaging Rammoth* called Deleo-Arx is about to smash your city gates and bombard with monstrous ballista fiery arrows your city walls and all surroundings in his range. Be prepared for the riding element of destruction and enforce your fortifications. Special city defense weapons called Armamentums are highly recommended or your cities threaten to sink in
dust, ash and remains…
German: coming soon (subscribe to our mail reminder in order to be notified when new rules are ready and uploaded – NO-SPAM GUARANTEE!!!)
- (EN last update 18.01.2019 – 14:00 – v1.0)
- (DE estimate Q1.2019 – Q2.2019)
- (BG estimate Q1.2019 – Q2.2019)
- Other languages possible – if we find support…
Please click on the picture to download a PDF version of the file with the rules.
English: Watch your steps, don’t be too confident, since you never know … Nothing’s obvious, the roads aren’t so safe anymore, since the Guards Of The Ruins went hunting in order to retrieve every single Great Artefact you managed to take away from them. If you know how to beat them, you can even earn something of a high value! It’s time to settle all open accounts, or time to pay the bill ….
German: coming soon (subscribe to our mail reminder in order to be notified when new rules are ready and uploaded – NO-SPAM GUARANTEE!!!)
- (EN last update 18.01.2019 – 14:15 – v1.0)
- (DE estimate Q1.2019 – Q2.2019)
- (BG estimate Q1.2019 – Q2.2019)
- Other languages possible – if we find support…
Please click on the picture to download a PDF version of the file with the rules.
English: Say hello to the deal of the century! This guy, known as Starsmuggler Morgenstern, is really ubiquitous. He operates almost like a genie in a bottle, being everywhere and yet nowhere at the same time. He lets you exchange old artefacts for new ones at the best possible rate 🙂 …. and for now he is one of the few who have access to the most precious substance in the universe, called STARDUST. Catch him if you can….!
German: coming soon (subscribe to our mail reminder in order to be notified when new rules are ready and uploaded – NO-SPAM GUARANTEE!!!)
- (EN last update 20.10.2018 – 20:00 – BETA VERSIONS) – please don’t print or translate those files yet. They will be updated to v1.0 – estimate Q1.2019 – Q2.2019
- (DE estimate Q1.2019 – Q2.2019)
- (BG estimate Q1.2019 – Q2.2019)
- Other languages possible – if we find support…
Please click on the picture to download a PDF version of the file with the rules.
English: In this section you will miss two more NCBC characters – The Starsmuggler Morgenstern and The Ruin Guards – their rules are also work in progress, but we didn’t made it to the BETA for all mini-expansions yet (before the fair in Essen). We apologize and thank you for understanding! After the show we will continue the work on them and on some language versions.
German: coming soon (subscribe to our mail reminder in order to be notified when new rules are ready and uploaded – NO-SPAM GUARANTEE!!!)
This is a version of the completely ready rules on the stage of our Kickstarter campaign. The rules are not incomplete or incorrect, there are also no known bugs in them, but they do not include some Kickstarter bonus materials, which came later through the campaign itself and were published in the official CEdition of Battalia. We uploaded these older rules because of two reasons:
First we have here a plenty of language choices (still not available in the CEdition version) made by our DREAM TEAM of international translators during the campaign. Please note that all of these translations are not “professionally” edited or officially published in any form different from those PDFs. But all of them are made with passion and a lot of hard work, thanks to all the awesome people who helped us during the campaign to make the game rules available in so many languages. It is theoretically possible to find some small typos or insignificant misinterpretations in those rules, but you have the original English version from us as reference and finally the main goal at that point was to make the game understandable in a first line for as many players as possible around the globe…. and we’ve made it together. So please don’t be too harsh in your “criticism” and note that we are not able to check personally the quality of the translation in so many languages (many of them unfortunately not spoken from any member of our Fantasmagoria team). But we can guarantee that the translators gave their BEST and we are pretty sure that the final result is great and very, very close to the original. Thank you Dream Team again and again!
The second reason to upload the older rules here, is because they include on page 11 some nice ideas for alternative game modes, house rules or small scenarios. Those were excluded later from the CEdition version due to some practical space problems in the rule book and due to production limitations. (You can download those alternative rules also as a separate PDF sheet from the section down below. We plan to add even some new ideas with the time there. So keep an eye open on this page …)
In general we do not plan to publish newer versions of the older rule books. If new language versions should appear with the time, they will be updated and directly uploaded above in the general CEdition section at the beginning of this page.
Here you can download files describing our additional ideas or fan made scenarios, clever suggestions in form from house rules, etc… You can send us always translations and if they fit in the layout of our files and if possible we will produce for you different language versions. Please note that the layouting takes time and sometimes our small team is too occupied with other tasks, so our response could take time from couple of hours up to couple of weeks. It is always very variable and it depends on the time of the year and our current occupation. Thanks for understanding.
Please click on the picture to download a printable PDF version of the file.